The Terms and Conditions set out below ("Conditions") apply to your use of this website and related websites ("Site(s)"), including the use of the Information services offered on the Site. In accessing and using the... Site, you agree to be bound by these Conditions so please carefully read this section before proceeding. If you do not accept these Conditions, you must refrain from using the Site. These Conditions must be read in conjunction with any other applicable Terms and Conditions governing the use of this Site and which may be incorporated, added, amended, supplemented any time herein after and/or which already stands incorporated.
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The Site makes available Information relating to hotels and resorts owned or managed by EIH Limited, a corporation constituted under the laws of India, and its subsidiaries, controlled entities, affiliates, associates and related parties ("Trident" and includes "Trident Hotels").
Trade Marks
The Site contains "Trident" trade and service marks and devices (including the word "Trident") and other valuable trade or service marks owned by Trident or licensed to Trident to distinguish its services and products. These trade and service marks and related intellectual property are protected from copying and simulation under national and international laws and may not be reproduced or copied without the express prior written consent of Trident.
Without limitation, you must not use any of the said trade or service marks:
In or as the whole or part of your own trademarks
In connection with activities, products or services which are not undertaken or provided by Trident
In a manner which may be confusing, misleading or deceptive, or
In a manner that disparages Trident or its Information, products or services (including this Site)
The Information, text, graphics, images, sounds, links and all other Information and software published or otherwise contained in the Site ("Information") are either owned exclusively by Trident or licensed by Trident and except as specifically provided in these Conditions may not be copied, distributed, displayed, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written approval of Trident. Without such approval from Trident, you may not create derivative works from any part of the Site or commercialise any Information, products or services obtained from any part of the Site. Information procured from a Third Party may be the subject of copyright owned by that Third Party.
Your Use
The Site is for your personal non-commercial use. The Information may be downloaded or printed by you solely for that purpose.
This right to use the Information is a license only, not a transfer of title, and is subject to the following restrictions:
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You will only use the Information for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Conditions
You accept that all Information provided on the Site or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website is general Information and is not in the nature of advice.
You also accept that all of the Information is provided on an "as is" basis and to the extent permitted by law, is provided without any warranty, representation or Condition of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. You assume all responsibility and risk for your use of or reliance upon the Information and the Site or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website.
Whilst Trident seeks to ensure that the Information is reliable and accurate, errors and omissions may occur and therefore, to the extent permitted by law, Trident does not make or give any representation or warranty (express or implied) of any kind as to any matter relating to the Site and any Linked Website, including without limitation, as to merchantability, non infringement of intellectual property rights or fitness for purpose.
In particular, Trident does not warrant that:
The Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website is reliable, accurate or complete including, without limitation, Information relating to prices and availability, or
Your access to Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website will be uninterrupted, timely or secure
You will only use the Information for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Conditions
Trident is not liable for any loss (direct or indirect) resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you on the Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent professional advice before acting or relying on any such Information or material. Trident may from time to time update, modify or add to the Information, including these Conditions, and absolutely reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective users of the Site. Unless otherwise specified to the contrary, all new Information shall be subject to these Conditions. Trident does not guarantee that the Site will operate continuously or without interruption or be error free. In addition, Trident may also suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Site at any time without being liable for any direct or indirect loss as a result of such action.
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In no event shall Trident be responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage, however arising and whether in contract, tort or otherwise, which you may suffer in connection with or arising out of:
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These Conditions do not purport to exclude liability arising by any applicable law if, and to the extent, such liability cannot be lawfully excluded. However, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, Terms or Conditions which would otherwise be implied into these Conditions are hereby excluded.
Where applicable law implies any warranty, Term or Condition, and that law prohibits exclusion or modification of the application of or the liability of Trident under, any such warranty, Term or Condition, then the liability of Trident shall include liability for that warranty, Term or Condition, but such liability will be limited for a breach of that warranty, Term or Condition to one or more of the following:
If the breach relates to services, the supply of the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again and
If the breach relates to products and the products can be repaired, repair of such products or payment of the costs of having the products repaired, but otherwise, replacement of the products or the supply of equivalent products or payment of the cost of replacing the products or of acquiring equivalent products
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The Site may contain links to other websites ("Linked Websites"). Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. You acknowledge and agree that Trident does not have any control over the content or availability of Linked Websites and accepts no responsibility for the content, privacy practices or any other aspect of Linked Websites. Links to Linked Websites should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by Trident of the owners or operators of those Linked Websites, or of any Information, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on those Linked Websites, unless and then only to the extent expressly stipulated to the contrary.
Hotel Reservations
The reservations feature of the Site is provided solely to assist customers in determining the availability of travel related services and products and to make legitimate reservations and for no other purpose.
You warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, possess the legal authority to enter into the legal agreement constituted by your acceptance of these Conditions and to use the Site in accordance with such Conditions.
You agree to be financially responsible for your use of the Site including without limitation for all reservations made by you or on your account for you, whether authorised by you or not. For any reservations or other services for which fees may be charged, you agree to abide by the Terms or Conditions of supply including without limitation payment of all moneys due under such Terms or Conditions.
The Site contains details of hotel charges and room rates (including any available special offers) for hotels and resorts owned or managed by Trident.
Hotel reservation Terms and Conditions of booking are set out on the Site and payment will be in accordance with the procedure set out in such Terms and Conditions.
No contract will subsist between you and Trident or any of its affiliates in respect of any services or products offered through the Site unless and until Trident accepts your order by email or automated confirmation through the Site confirming that it has accepted your reservation, booking or order and any such contract shall be deemed to incorporate the hotel reservation Terms and Conditions of booking. Any other relevant Terms and Conditions relating to particular services or products are set out in the Site.
You undertake that all details you provide to in connection with any services or products which may be offered by Trident on the Site (including hotel room reservations) will be correct and, where applicable, the credit card which you use is your own and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of any services or products which you wish to purchase. Trident reserves the right to obtain validation of your credit card details before providing you with any services or products.
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Electronic transmissions of data including the Internet are public media and any use of such media is public not private. Information related to or arising from such use is either public or the property of those collecting the Information and not personal or private Information. Trident does not warrant and cannot ensure the security or confidentiality of any Information which you transmit to Trident. Accordingly, any Information which you transmit to Trident is transmitted at your own risk.
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If you breach any of these Conditions your license to use the Site will terminate immediately without the necessity of any notice being given to you. Otherwise access to the Site may be terminated at any time by Trident without notice. The provisions of these Conditions excluding, limiting and disclaiming the liability of Trident will nevertheless survive any such termination.
Trident does not accept any liability for any failure by Trident to comply with these Conditions where such failure is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. If Trident waives any rights available to it under these Conditions on one occasion, this does not mean that those rights will automatically be waived on any other occasion. If any of these Conditions are invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the remaining Conditions shall nevertheless continue in full force. You are completely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes and assessments arising out of the use of
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These Conditions are governed by the laws in force in India and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Delhi only.
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Trident Privilege Terms & Conditions
Trident Privilege membership and its benefits are offered at the sole discretion of Trident Hotels.
Trident Privilege is applicable only at participating Trident hotels.
Trident Privilege Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Republic of India and will be restricted to Delhi jurisdiction under the Delhi High Court. The Programme terms and conditions set forth herein supersede all prior Programme terms and conditions, if any.
Membership and applications for membership in the Trident Privilege Programme is void if prohibited by law in the country of the Member's or applicant's domicile or if the details furnished by the member or applicant are found to be false.
All interpretations of the Terms and Conditions and Programme rules shall be at the sole discretion of Trident Hotels.
Rewards/privileges may not be combined with other certificates, discounts, packages, promotional offers or partnerships unless otherwise specified in written by Trident Privilege.
Enrollment and Membership
Membership is open to all individuals above 18 years of age.
Only individuals may become members of Trident Privilege Programme (defined as individuals who have been accepted as members by Trident Hotels and who have accepted Trident Privilege Terms and Conditions). Corporations, associations or groups cannot enrol in Trident Privilege Programme. Further, individuals/corporate entities who have leased office space in any of the participating Trident hotels are not eligible for membership. Trident Hotels reserves the right to grant or refuse membership to Trident Privilege Programme.
Trident Privilege members cannot maintain membership in or earn points on multiple accounts.
Enrolment into Trident Privilege Programme must be in the individual's full legal name, and proof of identification will need to be provided on request.
Enrolment to the programme is possible during a stay at the hotel, dining at a Trident Hotels' restaurant.
When enrolled at the hotel, membership to the programme will be activated only when the activation link sent via e-mail to the given email address is clicked. The member will not be able to avail of the programme benefits if the membership is not activated. Trident Hotels reserves the right to terminate memberships that have not been activated for more than 6 months. Upon such termination, all accrued points (if any) will lapse from the terminated account.
Any change of information as provided in the Trident Privilege enrolment form must be notified to Trident Privilege Programme centre in writing or be updated online on the programme website.
All communication will be mailed to the mailing address (postal or email) indicated in the enrolment form and it is the responsibility of the member to inform the Trident Privilege Programme Centre about any change in his/her address. All communication will be deemed to have been received by the member and Trident Hotels bear no responsibility for communication not received or lost in the mail or courier.
As part of our endeavour to provide valuable information and offers to members, Trident Privilege Programme would develop mailing lists for use by themselves and their Programme partners. These lists are developed under strict supervision so as to safeguard the privacy of the member’s information. As part of providing value added product offerings to members, Trident reserves the right to send special offers/promotions to the members regarding Trident Hotels or its Programme partners.
Consent to receive such offers will be deemed as given until such time that the member expressly withdraws his or her consent to receive mailers and other Programme information from Trident and its various Programme partners by opting out of the relevant preference by notifying the Trident Privilege Programme centre in writing. Withdrawal of consent may result in certain services not being offered and/or provided to the member. The member however, will continue to receive important programme related intimations like monthly point summary, information on point lapse etc.
Trident Privilege has no predetermined termination date and may continue until such time as Trident Hotels decides to terminate the Programme, at any time, with or without notice to the members. Accumulation of points will cease immediately on termination of the Programme. However, members will be given six months, from the date the Programme termination is announced, to redeem a desired reward.
Trident Hotels reserves the right to add, modify, delete or otherwise change any of the rules, conditions, privileges, benefits, reward or reward levels pertaining to the Programme at its sole discretion, with or without notice, even though changes may affect the value of points or rewards already accumulated. This means that Trident Hotels, may make changes that affect, but are not limited to, participating hotels, travel partner affiliations if any, rules for earning Trident Privilege points, reward redemption levels, rules and procedures for the use of rewards, continued availability of awards, reward types, and the features of special offers.
Membership to the Trident Privilege Programme entitles members to earn points, which can be redeemed for rewards in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of the Programme.
Your Trident Privilege membership is valid for 5 years from the date of issue. At the end of 2 years, your membership will automatically be renewed for another 5 years if there has been eligible activity in the preceding 12 months, failing which membership will stand terminated.
Trident Hotels reserves the right to discontinue membership to Trident Privilege Programme to any member who appears to be using the Programme in a manner inconsistent with the Terms & Conditions, or intent of the Programme, or any portion of the Programme, including, but not limited to, reward redemption. Trident Hotels also reserves the right to discontinue membership for any member who acts in a manner inconsistent with local or state laws, statutes or ordinances.
Discontinued membership may result in the loss of all accumulated points and the cancellation of all Trident Privilege Programme rewards, benefits and privileges.
The sale or barter of any Trident rewards points, Certificates, Rewards Confirmations, Certificates, or other benefits other than by Trident Hotels, is prohibited. Any Points, Certificates or benefits, which Trident Hotels deems to have been transferred, sold or assigned in violation of Programme Terms and Conditions may be confiscated or cancelled.
Each member is responsible for remaining knowledgeable as to the Programme Terms and Conditions and as to the number of points in his or her account. Trident Privilege Programme will attempt to send correspondence to active members to advise them of matters of interest, including notification of Programme changes. However, neither Trident Privilege Programme, nor companies participating as partners in the Programme will be liable for any failure to do so and will not be responsible for incorrect or inaccurate transcription of entry information, for problems related to any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized by the Member, for any human error, for any interruption, deletion, omission, defect, or line failure of any telephone network or electronic transmission, for problems relating to computer equipment, software, inability to access any Web site or on-line service, for any other technical or non-technical error or malfunction, for lost, late, stolen, illegible, incomplete, garbled, misdirected, mutilated or postage due mail or other mail for whatever reason.
Specific Programme benefits and privileges have been established for Trident Privilege Programme. However benefits and privileges offered by participating Trident hotels may vary. If Trident or any partner improperly denies a member an accrual, benefit or reward, Trident Hotels will not be liable to make any payment to the member or compensate him/her in anyway.
Trident Hotels is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for changes or discontinuance of services provided by a service partner, that may affect the Programme rewards offered, the accrual of points or devaluation of points.
The Programme and any benefit, offering, or rewards relating to the Programme, shall not be construed as, or constitute a contract, or otherwise establish a contractual relationship between Trident Hotels and any Trident Privilege Programme Members.
Nothing in the Trident Privilege Programme is intended or shall be construed to create or establish any agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between Trident Hotels and the partners.
Trident Privilege Membership Tiers
Trident Hotels reserves the right to add, modify, or delete tier level benefits and/or qualifications at its sole discretion, with or without notice.
In order to upgrade to a Silver, Gold or Platinum tier, a member has to fulfil the criteria of completing eligible nights in a rolling period of 12 months for the respective tier.
Eligible Points are base points that are earned by Trident Privilege members against eligible transactions (for details please refer to the Accrual of points below). All points rewarded as bonuses to members are ineligible for tier accrual.
Member’s tier period is a 12-month rolling period starting from the date of enrollment. Points and stays accrued towards tier upgrades are lapsed on completion of each 12-month rolling period.
Trident Privilege currently has the following membership tiers: Red, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Red Tier
All new members are enrolled into the Red Tier of the Trident Privilege Programme.
Red Tier members are awarded 10 points for every eligible spend of INR 100 at any of the participating Trident Hotels.
To retain membership, the member needs to make at least one eligible stay in the preceding 12 months from the date of lapsing of membership.
Silver Tier
All guests who have stayed at least 4 nights in a 12 month rolling period from the time of enrolment, at participating Trident hotels, are eligible to be upgraded to a Silver Tier membership.
The Silver members will be awarded 11 points for every INR 100 (one hundred only) spent, during the stay at participating Trident hotels.
Tier is maintained by completing 2 nights in the succeeding 12 months rolling period of membership; If the tier retention criteria is not met, the member will be downgraded to the Red tier.
Gold Tier
All guests who have completed stayed at least 10 nights in a 12 month rolling period from the time of enrolment, at participating Trident hotels, are eligible to be upgraded to a Gold Tier membership.
The Gold members will be awarded 12.5 points for every INR 100 (one hundred only) spent, during the stay at participating Trident hotels.
Tier is maintained by completing 4 nights in the succeeding 12 months rolling period of membership; If the tier retention criteria is not met, the member will be downgraded to the Silver or Red depending on the criteria met.
Platinum Tier
All guests who have stayed at least 24 nights in a 12 month rolling period from the time of enrolment, at participating Trident hotels are eligible to be upgraded to a Platinum Tier membership.
The Platinum members will be awarded 15 points for every INR 100 (one hundred only) spent, during the stay at participating Trident hotels.
Tier is maintained by completing 8 nights in the succeeding 12 months rolling period of membership; if the tier retention criteria is not met, the member will be downgraded to Gold, Silver or Red depending on the criteria met.
Accrual of Points
Trident Privilege Points can only be earned at participating Trident Hotels. The list of currently participating hotels is given below:
Trident, Agra
Trident, Bandra Kurla, Mumbai
Trident, Bhubaneswar
Trident, Chennai
Trident, Gurgaon
Trident, Hyderabad
Trident, Jaipur
Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai
Trident, Udaipur
The list of participating Trident Hotels is subject to change at any time, without notice.
To earn points, a member must be a registered, paying guest at a participating Trident Hotel and meet all of the conditions described in the Terms & Conditions. Points will be credited to staying guests as well as for non-resident dining services.
Members can only earn points from the Programme start date as defined by Trident Hotels, i.e. 1st April, 2008. No points will be earned for any amounts charged before the start date of the Programme. This includes cases where a member has checked in at a hotel before the Programme is launched at the hotel and checks out after the start date of the Programme.
Members may earn points for more than one room per stay, provided the additional rooms are booked in the name of the member and the member is paying the bills for those additional rooms himself or herself, subject to a maximum of three rooms per stay.
Members will earn points for non-residential dining at restaurants of Trident Hotels. Points earning rate will depend on the current tier of the member at the time of dining at the restaurant. Points will be earned on the actual amount paid by the member after availing of discounts, if any, under a prevailing offer or promotion.
Trident Privilege points or stays will be awarded only on the primary reservation profile; points or stays will not be awarded in the case of 'sharer' guests.
No points or stay credit will be awarded for house guests, complimentary rooms, rooms at special discounted rates, redemption stays, if you are a 'sharer' guest, or those booked against barter. Bookings made through travel agents, online travel websites, and group or tour operators will not be eligible for points or stay credits. Points will also not be given for banquet events, catering functions, airline crew groups, employees of Trident Hotels, tips, and taxes. No points or credit towards the tier status will be awarded if the guest is a no-show at the hotel. This implies that the member will not earn any points even if he is charged retention as per the hotel's 'no show' policy.
A member whose individual hotel bill is billed directly to a company/organization, and the member is responsible for authorization for settlement at check out, is eligible for points. However, group master-billing arrangements where charges for multiple rooms are placed on one hotel bill and billed to a company or common address or settled at check out by one individual are not eligible for points.
In the case of group bookings, the member cannot earn points if he or she settles his/her own bill for room and /or incidental charges.
Points will not be earned on incidental charges or charges to the member’s room for non-affiliated hotel entities that are not owned and/or operated by the hotel, including, but not limited to, outlets such as travel bookings, gift shop, drugstore, clothes, beauty salon, car rental, gallery or specialty stores, recreational or entertainment concessions, or charges in connection with banquets or other catering functions.
All applicable taxes including central, state, local, and other taxes will be omitted for purposes of point accrual.
Points would be credited to the member's account when a member quotes his Trident Privilege membership number or presents his membership no. at the time of making the reservation, check-in, and the time of check-out while settling bills.
Point credits will not be awarded when redeeming any frequent flyer awards, awards of travel partners, or other promotional offerings using discounts or free certificates.
Any points offered in conjunction with specific hotel stays will be considered earned only when the stay has been fully paid. Points will not be available for redemption before the stay has been paid for. In case of bills being paid by the company on behalf of the member, if the payment is not received by the hotel within 45 days of checkout, then an appropriate number of points will be deducted from the member's balance although he or she may have already been communicated the point status on the basis as if such payment would have been received. The same will be applicable for credit card payments if the member’s bank disputes any charges on such card payment.
In cases where the member or the member’s company is given a discount after the stay has been completed, the appropriate number of points will be deducted from the member’s balance although he or she may have already been communicated the point status on the basis of the non-discounted amount.
Trident Privilege Contact Centre reserves the right to deduct points from a member’s account balance if the points have been erroneously recorded under the account.
A member’s points would be credited to the member’s account in a time period of 5 working days from the time the member checks out from a Trident hotel.
If a member believes he/she has not received point credit(s) for hotel stays, or any partner points, he/she must submit a request for such credit(s) to the Trident Privilege Contact Centre together with the original invoice of the member’s hotel stay and/or the service partner coupon as appropriate. No points will be given for failure to supply original invoices. For the member’s protection, the member should retain all hotel travel documentation until the point credit(s) has appeared on his or her points’ statement. Requests must be received at the Trident Privilege Contact Centre within 15 days of receipt of points update.
In case points for stays are inadvertently missed out, the members must claim retro-credits within six months from the date of stay.
No purchase of points is permitted. A member cannot purchase points and add these to points already earned in order to redeem these points for a reward.
Trident Privilege members will earn points for eligible spends on a ‘Day use’. A ‘Day Use’ is defined as check-in and check-out on the same day without a minimum of 24-hours difference between check-in and check-out.
Points are valid for a period of 2 years from the date of accrual. All points accrued in a calendar year (that have not been redeemed) will lapse post 2 years on the 31st of December. Points once lapsed cannot be reinstated. All points lapse when membership lapses.
Accrued points do not constitute property of the members.
Except as specifically provided herein, no accrued points are transferable in the event of death, as part of a domestic relations matter or otherwise by operation of law. In the event of death, the Trident Privilege Programme will be suspended and all accrued points canceled.
Members may earn points on any one reward programme of their choice.
Benefits and Privileges:
The benefits offered as part of the Trident Privilege Programme are solely at the discretion of Trident Hotels and the individual participating Trident Hotel. Not all services are provided by all participating hotels. Should Trident Hotels or a participating hotel improperly deny a member a benefit, Trident Hotels will not be liable to compensate the member for the same.
The benefits offered as part of the Trident Privilege Programme are applicable on paid stays only. Complimentary stays, Room or Suite Upgrades would not be entitled to benefits and privileges offered under any membership tier.
The current benefits and privileges offered as part of the Trident Privilege Programme vary across membership tiers and include the following:
Late check-out until 4 pm (subject to availability)
Double occupancy at no extra charge
25% savings every time you dine at restaurants in Trident Hotels
25% savings on treatments at the Trident Spa
25% savings on business center and laundry charges
50% savings on Best Available Rate of suites on weekends (Friday to Sunday)
Premium Wi-Fi for an unlimited number of devices
Upgrade to the next room category (Barring Suite and Limited to Rooms)
Access to Trident Club Lounge at Trident Nariman Point, Trident Bandra Kurla, and Trident Hyderabad
Complimentary Breakfast
Dedicated Reservation Line
No Black Out Dates on Redemption (subject to availability)
Member exclusive offers
1000 points for online booking
Reward Redemption
In order to qualify for a Reward, the Member must have sufficient points in his or her account to redeem the Reward from the Reward chart.
Points earned can be redeemed as per the reward chart available on the website.
It is solely the responsibility of the Member to be informed about the Programme and to request the specific Rewards online or via the Trident Privilege Programme Centre. Rewards must be requested online via, in writing, by fax, or by e-mail. Please remember to include the Trident Privilege membership number.
Trident Privilege Rewards may be substituted by Trident Privilege, at any time without notice. Determination of Reward equivalency is at the sole discretion of Trident Privilege.
No credit or substitutions will be given for any certificates that are only partially used.
Rewards cannot be redeemed for cash, prizes, or credit. Rewards are not exchangeable.
Rewards may not be sold, auctioned, bartered, brokered, or purchased except with the express written consent of Trident Privilege. Any Rewards obtained in this manner by any person or entity will be considered to have been fraudulently obtained and will be deemed void if transferred for cash or other consideration. Altered Reward Confirmations are void and will not be honoured. The account by the Member concerned, cannot under any circumstances be transferred, bequeathed, assigned, sold, or combined with, whether or not for valuable consideration, the account of the Reward of any other person, whether or not that person is a Member of the Programme, or with any other account belonging to the Member, except as otherwise laid down in provisions notified to the Member.
Rewards will not be replaced, reissued, or credited if lost, stolen, or otherwise destroyed. Trident Privilege/Trident Hotels is/are not responsible for the performance of the Postal Service or other suppliers.
Members residing in countries where redemption of points for Trident Privilege rewards, partner rewards or Reward Exchange is prohibited are not eligible for such rewards.
Participating Trident hotels and Reward classifications may change at any time without notice at Trident Privilege’s sole discretion.
Spa redemption can only be availed by resident guest.
In case a member is eligible for two bonus point offers only one shall be credited.
Stay Reward Redemption
Hotel Stay Certificate can be redeemed for an accommodation in a standard room with double occupancy. Any tax liability incurred (if any) in connection with the receipt and/or use of Trident Privilege Rewards, including, but not limited to, local or city occupancy taxes, international departure tax, customs fees, airport surcharges or individual income tax is the sole responsibility of the user. Incidental charges are the responsibility of the guest.
Stay reward requests are not confirmed till the time reservation confirmation and stay certificate are not received from the Trident Privilege Programme Centre. Members should allow 24 working hrs. for the reservation confirmation to be mailed to them.
Member is required to carry the stay certificate received from the Programme Centre and present the same at the front office while checking-in at the hotel.
Stay reward is non-transferable. The certificate needs to be used by the member in whose name it is issued, as it appears on the certificate.
The stay certificate would be valid only for the dates and Hotel mentioned on the certificate. Post that the certificate is invalid and cannot be used for redemption.
In case of any change in travel plan, members are required to request the Programme Centre for cancellation of the existing certificate. All cancellation requests are to be sent in writing (email/fax).
The Programme Centre has the right to refuse to stay redemption under this programme at any time.
No points may be earned in connection with redemption or reward stays. Some privileges and benefits attached to each tier may not apply to redemption or reward stays.
Reservations are subject to the availability of rooms allocated under the redemption offer at the time of making the booking.
Complimentary stay includes stay in a standard double room, exclusive of taxes and breakfast includes accommodation for two guests on room only basis. Breakfast and taxes are payable extra, as applicable.
Stay Redemptions are not applicable for stays between 20th December to 5th January.
Dining Certificates Redemption
Dining certificates can be redeemed at restaurants of all participating hotels. The certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue, is transferable and is meant for one time use only.
For certificate/redemption reservations cancellation, it will take a minimum of 10 working days to credit corresponding points in the members account.
Rewards may not be combined with other certificates, discounts, packages or promotional offers unless otherwise specified in written by Trident Privilege.
All Reward certificates and confirmations must be redeemed in strict accordance with the procedures specified on the certificate or confirmation.
Redemption Cancellation
1. Room Redemption Cancellation
Cancellation request for room redemption has to be made within the time frame specified or else the charged points would not be credited back to the account. Late Cancellation is defined as any cancellation, outside of the time frame specified below, before check-in.
Hotel Name
Time frame for cancellation prior to check-in
Trident, Agra
Trident, Bandra Kurla, Mumbai
Trident, Bhubaneswar
Trident, Chennai
Trident, Gurgaon
Trident, Hyderabad
Trident, Jaipur
Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai
Trident, Udaipur
2. Special Promotion Package Redemption Cancelation
Cancellation request for packages has to be made 48 hours prior to check-in. In the event of late cancellation, points equivalent to the package value would be charged.
Late cancellation is defined as cancellation beyond the specified time frame before check-in.
Instant Redemption Terms & Conditions
Members can redeem Trident Privilege points to settle their bills for stay, dining or spa treatments. The points may be used for complete or partial payment of the bill at participating Trident Hotels. When a Member requests to redeem his/her Trident Privilege points instantly against the value of the bill, the corresponding points will be deducted from the Member's Account.
Instant Redemption of points are valid only when used toward the expenses charged to:
The Member's room, room, including but not limited to room charges, food, and beverage, spa services, or dining expenses at the participating restaurant
Dining at any participating restaurant
Members may redeem only those points that are accrued and available in their account. In the event of the invoice amount being higher than the value of points in the member's account, the remaining invoice amount may be settled by Cash or Credit / Debit card
As a proof of eligibility, membership number and proof of identity is required when redeeming points instantly. Instant Redemption of points must be announced to the Trident staff prior to settling of the stay, spa or dining bills at the participating Trident hotel. Instant Redemption of points cannot be booked in advance of the stay or visit to the restaurant
Under Instant Redemption, points will be redeemed against the folio amount and not against any redemption offers or promotions available on the Trident Privilege website. To avail special offers or promotions, please contact Trident Privilege help desk. Contact Us
If the amount requested for the Instant Redemption of points, is more than the bill amount to be settled at the hotel, cash will not be returned to the member
At the time of instant redemption, the member would be required to share their Trident Privilege membership no. /registered email id/registered mobile no. to redeem the points. Once accrued points in the Member's Account have been redeemed, the points cannot be returned to the Member's Account.
Instant Redemption of points is not applicable on the following:
Laundry /Dry cleaning
Car transfers
Any third party payout
Business Centre/ Trident Meeting Rooms
A participating hotel may decline an Instant Redemption request by you in the event if either your membership no. registered email id/registered mobile no. are not present in our system or you could not substantiate your identity or a technical issue is encountered at the hotel or the member is requesting to settle his charges for corporate events, banquet charges or car transfers, or any major event.
Redeemed points are not refundable, exchangeable, replaceable, or transferable for cash or credit
Points cannot be redeemed for cash or gift cards
Instant redemption of points is valid only for individual travel throughout the year with no blackout dates and are not applicable to group travel, package tours, or conventions that have been charged to and/or paid by a third party. The value of the points credited may be used by the Member only and may not be gifted
Instant Redemption of point is offered at the following participating hotels
Trident, Agra
Trident, Bandra Kurla, Mumbai
Trident, Bhubaneswar
Trident, Chennai
Trident, Gurgaon
Trident, Hyderabad
Trident, Jaipur
Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai
Trident, Udaipur
Trident Hotels will cease to operate the hotel from November 1, 2024. The hotel will remain operational under the supervision of The Fern Hotels & Resorts. For assistance or inquiries, please write to us at